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About me

Curriculum vitae  Agnieszka Ewa Bak   AGA

1993- graduate diploma at the Art School of Cracow, the restoration section
1997- degree in Art History at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow
1999-  Graduate Academy of Fine Arts – sculpture section  in Krakow

work experience of sculptural and pictorial restoration
1995 - restoration of architectural stone pieces, Slowacki Theatre, Krakow
1997- articles of wood and stone sculpture restoration, gilding, restoration of paintings, restoration of architectural decorations and frescoes
1998- gilding and restoration of paintings and sculptures parties moedievale altar of Wit Stwosz, Krakow
1999- restoration of the walls and vaults in the medieval church of the Dominicans, Krakow
2000- gilding on architectural and monumental sculpture decorations in the parish church, Miechow, Poland

Collettive exhibitions and competitions

1995 -simposium of wood sculpture , Bydgoszcz
1996- exhibition of  drawings  Krakow, ul Karmelicka 13
1997 sculptural exibition, Academy of Theatr - Krakow
1997 - collective sculpture exibition, Bank PKO, Krakow
1999 has realised 5 bronze  sculptures- awards of S. Wyspianski, Krakow
1998-group exhibition of  drawings, Berlin
2002- exhibition of illustration "Humorfest" - Perugia
2004 -Sculpture symposium, Castiglione Messer Marino - Chieti
2004 -exibitions collective sculpture Castiglione Messer Marino - Chieti
2005 - "Art Women" collettive  exibitions, Livorno
2012 -exibition /competition of illustrations, "Mignolina" Torino
2007 - drawing exibition "Prayer" Tehran
2011-competition of sculptures, Boris Giuliano, Enna
2014- monumental figure project for the church St. Francis of Paola, Falerna (created in marble by Luca Marovino)
2014 -exibition  "110 of 110 archidettati capitals", Reggio Calabria, Mediterranean University
2015-  Apocalypse Prize Competition, medieval picture style  on line competition- recognition in "The best of " section
2015- "Mercy" sculpture competition, Cimitile, Napoli
2016- competition "Ecorinascimento - Christmas", Chianciano Terme - II prize sculpture
2016-March-April-May exibition Gustarti, Pavia
2016-exibition of drawings," Le donne in arte " galleria “La Telaccia “, Torino
2016 - july, Yukuhashi Biennale of sculpture- storical figure- S. Massimiliano Maria Kolbe witx the head of Madonna di Nagasaki
2016 -22-24 settember -  Biennale di Montecarlo
2016 -19- 24 exibition of drawings "Derwent Prize", Londra
2016- 30.09-19.11 exibition of drawings “Derwent Prize” ,Trowbrige Arts, Wiltshire,UK
2016- 15- 30.10“ Apostoli “ mostra  collettiva, Galleria Metamorfosi, Vicenza
2016 – 15-27.11 , Alig’art Festival- Expo,Lazzaretto -  Cagliari
2016-28.11- menzione d’onore Premio Michelangelo, Seravezza- sezione pittura
                   menzione d’onore Premio Michelangelo, Seravezza- sezione scultura

2017- 10-26.03, Realtà, mostra personale, galleria Studiodieci, Vercelli                                                 


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